Tutti capi che magari qualcun'altro potrebbe utilizzare ma da cui faccio fatica a separarmi...cosi li levo dall'armadio e libero spazio però li uso per creare qualcosa di nuovo, e a modo mio dò personalità e valore alle mie creazioni;-)
So, the title of this post it's in English because there is this word UPCYCLING which I can't translate properly in Italian (but I am not a professional translator, there probably is one word for it) but I really like. I have always associated the word RECYCLING with the idea of giving a second life to something that would be otherwise thrown away. This upcycling instead, gives me the idea of giving a NEW life to something still having its own purpose but maybe became old, out of fashion. So, looking for new materials for my creations I decided to clean up my closet. These clothes have a story and memories that make it so difficult to let them go... but at one point you HAVE TO, it's a matter of "domestic survival", especially when you don't have a separate room as a wardrobe, or a 12 door closet :-)
Here we go then, with my tartan jacket, bought in the 90s, who didn't have a tartan jacket in those years? I remember I had an interview in Milan with this jacket for Disneyworld, then we have the white blouse I used so much when I was working in the reastaurant (and with a professional like my dad there was no other uniform allowed: white shirt, black trousers or skirt and NEVER trainers or sneakers...how things have changed), this striped shirt that looked so nice on my mom (less on me) that our aunt brought as a present from the States, and those cargo pants that I bought during my last summer as an "au pair" in Ohio...what a year!
All clothes that maybe someone else could use, but for those memories they bring back to my mind it's so hard to give them away... so I am taking them off the closet, leaving some space and I am using them to make something new, giving this way personality and that something special to my creations;-)